Monday, January 9, 2012

Checkin' those things off the list!

      Well, I started reading a new book called Eat that Frog!21Ways to stop procrastination and get more done in less time. Now I'm all fired up to get some goals/ resolutions checked off my list. I'm about half through- it's a pretty short book. I'll give a full review when I'm done. The first chapter was about writing goals down - 10 to be exact. I came up with 8... So here they are ( in no particular order) :
1. Read at least 1 book a month
2. Workout 2-3 times a week ( and therefore getting up early)
3. Organize whole house- basement, linen closet, sort clothes and toys- give unused away, pantry, craft area, and make address list on to an excel spreadsheet.
4. Read the Bible daily
5. Focus more on homeschool pre school for Isabella. Schedule MWF. Write plans out for each week.
6. Put clothes away in room within 1 day of them being put in ( folded, cleaned)- Don't keep baskets piling up!
and last but not least! 7. Blog at least once a week.

Whew! I'm tired just from writing the list!;) So to do all these things, I need to have more time! Now it's early to bed and early to rise for us. I got up at 6:10 this morning. Wasn't bad at all. But the pessimist in me is saying "just wait a few weeks!" I'm doing a short ( but tough) workout with my hubby- Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. I think it will work out better than other work out dvd's we've tried before. I like to try different things, but well... Jacob is just not the dancing type. He's so talented in so many ways, it wouldn't be fair if he could dance too!;) So Turbo Jam is out for us as a couples activity.I'm hoping that we can stick with it. I have to tell myself it's only 20 minutes and you will feel so much better once it becomes a routine. All this Christmas chocolate and birthday cake is not  helping my middle! I was doing really good with watching what I was eating- right up till about 2 weeks ago! Me and chocolate get along a little too good- if you know what I mean!;)

Right now I'm tired! I just put the girls down for their naps and I know this is the time that I wrote in my little schedule - "read, clean, do things around house- anything but take a nap!" But that's all I wanna do right now! I have been pretty proud of myself in the last few days of reading this little book. Yesterday I went around the house and got so many of those little annoying things that were building up on my list actually done! I've organized a lot of what I had put on my "organize house" list.I have to keep myself motivated and keep checking those things of the list. It really does feel so good at the end of the day to know that you accomplished so much. Having some of those things on the list really was weighing me down after a while of looking at the same things that I kept putting off. OK, so with no further a do- onward to sewing/ mending a few things that have been in the basement waaay too long for just a measly little button missing or something like that.

What about you? Any resolutions? How are you doing with them now that it's a week into the new year?

1 comment:

  1. Good job, honey! My resolutions are:

    1. Read every blog post my wife writes this year (4 for 4 so far!)
    2. Show Jillian Michaels that she's not more of a man than I am (still working on this one).
    3. Learn a hip-hop dance routine and make it believable ;-)
