Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Changing my attitude

Wow, I must be busy because it's been a while since my last post! I'm sitting on the couch thinking about what's new with me. Isabella is playing by herself. I love when she does that. It's so fun to watch her explore and pull out her toys and walk around the table/couch.

I have good news- my sister, Amy and her husband, Bob are moving nearby! They were here for the past 2 days house hunting. They found one that they liked and put an offer on it. So now it's time to wait. It will be so nice having her close. I have wanted to be close to my family since I moved away to college (almost 10 years now!) Now it is actually happening and we are moving in August! Jacob has to remind me that this is a blessing, because either way we are still closer than we were before. We will still be close when we move- about 3 hours, but not as great as 45 min!

I think God must be working on me. I have wanted to have a house since we have been married (2 1/2 years). Now more and more of my friends are getting houses lately. I am very happy for each and every one of them. A part of my still wishes it was my turn. But I think this experience is a good growing lesson for me. We are talking about love for this week in my Bible study. This is a good test to see how loving I can be. Can I love and be excited for others happy moments without letting my jealousy overcome me?

The Bible study that I have been doing is called "Lord, change my attitude." It has been life changing. It addresses some attitudes that we all have at one time or another and to very degrees. These attitudes- complaining, covetness, critical, doubting and rebellious ways are replaced with thankful, content, loving, faithful, submitting hearts. These wrong attitudes are actually seen as sins by God. He has made us wonderfully and given us so many different gifts. We each need to take time to think about what we DO have and be thankful for it. This has been my new way of thinking. Well, at least what I'm striving for!