Friday, January 6, 2012

Becoming More than a good Bible study girl

My new year's resolution this year is to read at least one book every month. Now if you read my husband's blog -, you might be laughing right now. He is going to read at least 63! He's a "reader", I'm not really.. I don't mind reading per se. But once I sit down to finally read, I start thinking of so many other things that seem much more productive. So I get up and clean, peruse facebook (again!), play with my girls, or do something crafty, etc. The few times that I do start to read, I often fall asleep! SO... new year, new me- right?! My first book was called Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl. By Lysa TerKeurst


I must confess that I did have a head start on this one. I had started it a few months ago and then life got in the way (as it usually does with me and books!).  I can't tell you how many books I've started and then put down and never picked up again. So I started it up again. It was a great book. She writes like how you would expect to talk with a wise friend. She is very real about her background growing up and mistakes she has made along the way. She is a real person, mom, wife, and friend just trying to live life the best she can and to love Christ with all she has. She writes to inspire you to do the same. There were some relationship chapters about how we as women (most of us anyway) are guilty of judging others, especially other women, so harshly, and about how we covet others' circumstances and things. She brought up a great point.

"Whenever I get an overly idyllic view of someone else’s circumstances, I often remind myself out loud, “I am not equipped to handle what they have—both good and bad.” (p. 99).

This really spoke volumes to me. I know that I really struggle with this sin. When we have a great day, or just come out of church it can seem easy to have a good attitude and be looking up toward God. But what happens when you have a bad day? Lysa talks about how to still see God through the good and the bad. It might take some time, but someday we will see that God has a plan to work it out for our good. I struggle with this as well. I understand that everyday is not going to be great and can work with that. But the really difficult tragedies- I often ask "Where is God in this?" This and a few other books have helped me start to answer this question. Many times through difficult situations, people find God, and/ or find a deeper relationship with Him. I am now daring myself to pray "dangerous prayers" to challenge myself to see how God can work in some amazing ways. I just have to let go.

"What if instead of seeing aggravations as inconveniences, I saw them as reminders to draw near to God?"  (p. 199). 

This is from the LysaTerKeurst website...
Lysa knows what it’s like to consider God as just another thing on her to-do list. For years she went through the motions of a Christian life: Go to church. Pray. Be nice. Longing for a deeper connection between what she knew in her head and her everyday reality, she wanted to personally experience God’s presence.
Drawing from her own remarkable story of step-by-step faith, Lysa invites you to uncover the spiritually exciting life we all yearn for. With her trademark wit and spiritual wisdom, Lysa will help you:
  • Replace doubt, regret, and envy with truth, confidence and praise.
  • Discover how to have inner peace and security in any situation
  • Sense God responding to your prayers
  • Stop the unhealthy cycles of striving and truly learn to love who you are and what you’ve been given.
  • Learn how to make a Bible passage come alive in your own devotion time.
Order now from Proverbs 31 Ministries and help support this vital ministry for women.

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