Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday's Sermon

At church the sermon was on ways we can worship. I really enjoyed this. Many of the issues spoke to me about things that are sometimes stumbling blocks for me. Some of the points that our pastor brought up, I never thought of as worship. Here's some of my thoughts about them. Some of them were:
-Building family like relationships within the church
I have seen this work with our small groups. I am so blessed to feel like I belong here. It can be harder to feel connected in a large church. Through being involved in Bible study with this great group of couples I feel connected. I don't have my family close by, so it's nice to know that I can call on someone in the group to help.
-Promote the sanctity of marriage
Our pastor brought up this point, which I really liked so I'll share it. He was pointing out that in the recent Miss USA pageant, Miss CA was scrutinized for having the belief that marriage should be between a man and woman. Perez Hilton was the one who asked the question and was also a judge. He gave her a 0 and consequently she lost the title of Miss USA that she would have won. She was the "wierd one" for having a tradition, Biblical view on marriage! I'm glad that she stuck up for herself and her beliefs ( especially since she was representing CA, where it was legal for gay marriages. I think that was over turned now, though...)
Also with the sanctity of marriage comes keeping the marriage bed pure. This means that you shouldn't be living or sleeping with your current boyfriend or fiancee or whatever. I have to admit that I had some past problems with this one. I fell into the worldly trap, that this was okay. But it's not! Until you have a ring on your finger and you can call that guy your "husband", that's when it is okay to do those things. It's one of my regrets looking back on things now. But it's also one of the ways that I know that I have become a new creation. Now, I can see that I have changed in my thinking.
-Stay free from materialism
This is another area that I stumble with. I have a weakness when it comes to materials and how things look to other people. Being a mother, some of that is thankfully going away. It's hard to care what others think of you when your baby is screaming and you have puke on your shoulder! I just care about what Isabella is thinking at that moment. I want to calm her down. Also, not going shopping is a great way to "stay free from materialism"! When you are trapped at home, this works. I have always been a bargain hunter, so it's not about having the nicest, newest things for me. I do like to have new things, but only if I got it for a great bargain!
American retailers play into our need for having the newest thing that will finally make life easier and better. The problem with this is it will never be achieved by having more stuff! You can see this fact with so many different people. The rich and famous have a lot of money and things and still feel so unhappy and lonely that they are driven to the party and drinking/drugs lifestyle. We feel a hole within ourselves and think that we can fill it with stuff; when it needs to be filled with Jesus!
-Learn from grace filled leaders
I think this one speaks for itself. I don't have anything to add to this one.
-Meet Jesus "outside"
This means we need to see Jesus in the inner city areas, in the homeless shelters and in the third world countries. When Jesus walked this earth, he met with people on the outside of society. The outcasts. I get an uneasy feeling when I am around the city. I am used to the bubble that is my life-the suburban lifestyle, where I feel safe. I am working on this. Actually, Jesus is working on this for me! I don't know if I could live downtown or something but I do want to at least change my way of thinking about so many people. I need to open up my heart more...
-Praise God continually
I'm not a great singer, musican or artist but whatever talents you have you can praise God though it. Even if it's cleaning and cooking! I always think singing is still a great way to praise God even if I don't sound good. I'm not singing for me or you, I'm singing for God. It all sounds good to Him:) plus it usually puts you in a good mood!
-Give of yourself
Lastly, giving of your most valuable resource, your time. We can volunteer in so many ways. We can give money to missions and our churches. Giving is a way of worship. It shows that you trust God for your security, whether it's finanical or safe surroundings. What we spend our money on shows what our priorities are.
Ok, that's it! I hope that some of these points or some little tidbit helped you see how you can worship more or think about it in a new way. Praise God! He is good:)

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