Monday, April 20, 2009


Jacob and I started to read a new book called "This Momentary Marriage". It is written by John Piper. Ironically, last week I was talking with my small group from church. We were discussing how when you die and go to Heaven, your earthly husband won't be your husband in Heaven. There will be no ties like that. I have never heard that before! Then a few days later, we started to read this book together. (now I understand the title!) This book discusses how marriage should be a strong covenant as Jesus is to His bride, the church. In today's world, many people think that marriage is the next step after dating for a while, or that you can leave when things get tough. The apostle Paul knows that this covenant is to be lifelong and there will be difficult patches. That is why he issues warnings and says that everyone is not called to be married. This covenant is stronger than love.You must stay in your marriage even when you might not love your spouse. Marriage is designed by God. He made Eve for Adam. He "gave her away" as a father does a t a traditional marriage ceremony. When two are joined, they become one flesh.
It is a scary statistic to hear that half the marriages will end in divorce. I wish that more couples realized the monumental covenant that marriage truly is. Yes, it a joy, but it can be tough too. Thankfully I have parents that have been a wonderful role model to me. They have been married now for 30 years. Jacob and I fully understand the commitment to this covenant. We have been blessed with so many happy times so far. But I am not naive enough to think that we will never fight. I hope to be a role model to Isabella, future children and those all around us.

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