Friday, April 17, 2009

Random thoughts

Well, Jacob had to give me a little tutorial on blogging. Still feeling my way around this "new world". I'm old school- I usually like writing with an old pen and paper. I'm hoping that I can share about our life as an encouragement to others and well as just journaling my thoughts as an outlet while I'm at home in the semi-quiet days. I found a few other christian mom blogs. I feel that reading something light like a blog posting is manageable! I always have dreams of reading all these different books and it never happens. Mostly because I think I like to pretend that I read more than I really do! Also because my mind wonders, and did I mention a cute little one who keeps me unfocused as well?! I still do want to grow in the spirit, so finding other christian moms is encouraging. At times you can feel very alone. Especially on bad days! This past weekend, she had a couple of those days.. She was a screamer and crying a lot:( It makes my heart just break for her when I know that she is in pain. It's amazing how much pain gas can cause!!
When I'm at home I tend to daydream. Lately, I have been looking and dreaming about houses. I have to tell myself that there is no "magic bullet". You have to be happy where you are and with what you have. I know that I have many blessings. But I get caught up the the material world. That is one of my flaws and I try to rein it in when I notice that I am getting too materialistic. Sometimes Jacob and I are so similar, other times (most of the time) we are quite different. I think that God knew that and that's why we are together. He can be rational and tell me to wait. He will tell me when I'm being crazy. I know that God will lead us to the right house at the right time. Honestly, the apt. that we live in right now isn't that bad. I am feeling a little crowded and want a change of scenery! But who doesn't? I have to confess that there is one townhouse that I can't get out of mind, so I think I'll look at that one. It looks too good to be true. That will be it, though! Then I should probably just stay away from craigslist for a while. So, we'll see...Just be patient, right?!

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