Friday, May 4, 2012

More of our pre-school ideas

I have been meaning to update and show a couple more of our ideas that we like to use around here for school. I took  (Warning- a lot!) pictures and everything, then just got lazy I guess... so here's my girl doing her best over the last few months:

I found this great product- Contact paper that is a chalk board! How cool is that? So I covered my dated mirrored closets with this. The kids can draw for fun and we can use it at school time. Here's Bell doing a sight word game I made up on the fly. I wrote her words and call out a word. She crosses it out when she finds it. Not rocket science, but she had fun and that's when learning is the best!

 I made little books or just a paper that I would make into 6 squares and have Bella (try) to think up things that started with that letter. She would always get to color it. I've seen some little books online that you can print off and make as well.

 I'm trying to start a little ancedotal record book. Every month or so I try to have her write in this little notebook. Then I can see her progress. I just made up my own dotted lines and wrote out the alphabet for her to trace.

 This is my other great "find"- a plastic sheet page protector can be written on with a dry erase marker. I use it all the time for  workbooks that I want to reuse. Simply cut the side that has the 3 holes on the side and the bottom; then you can slide it right over any paper or workbook page.
 I typed up her sight words in a large font. She used her Leap Frog letter, but any letter you find around, or can even make on your own with a large magnetic strip and writing the letters and cut off in little squares. Hint you'll need a few of each letter! Isabella reads and spells out the word on the fridge.

Making patterns

Matching up sight words. Use flash cards and type up another set to match with.

Tracing "S" words on her new dry erase crayon board

Laminated upper case letters ( also made one of lowercase), She has to circle the letter of the week with a dry erase marker.

Tracing on laminated sheet.

I hope that these give you some good ideas. Remember that every child is different and a gift from God. Find what works for you and them and have fun!!

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