Friday, May 15, 2009

the long trip

It's amazing how fast this week went. I went to visit my family over the past weekend, so Monday was spent driving back and Tuesday was major laundry day. I left last Thursday to surprise my little sister for her college graduation. I think since I was excited to see her and see her reaction (as well as my whole family) the drive on the way up wasn't bad at all. The way home seemed very looong! Don't get me wrong, I was happy to come home to my lonely hubby. Hence why the next time we go up ( in a mere 2 weeks, again!) he's coming too!
So anyways, Bella was amazing in the car (both ways!) She just slept the whole 7 hrs. Can I tell you how much I love this little girl?! More everyday, actually! I figured I just had to get there and then I wouldn't be short of hands to help hold this little love bug. Boy, was I right!
Graduation festivities all went well. I'm glad I could be there. I also had my first mother's day there. I got a box of Cheerios (I love cereal, so somehow I always end up with a box for a gift!) a Berenstain Bear book, sippy cups ( ooh tupperware!), for some reason I feel like I'm leaving out one more thing- blame it on baby brain. On Monday I made my way back to good ol Ohio. I stopped at the first rest area and realized that I forgot to pack some extra diapers in the diaper bag before leaving my mom and dad's. Thankfully she was only a little wet then. So I just left it on. Then I had about 2 hrs left in the trip and I was getting very sleepy. I decided to stop and feed Isabella. At this point the diaper situation was a little worse. So I thought to my crafty self what can I use to make a diaper?! Here's the play by play of what I was thinking/doing. I had some cloth diapers that I use for spit and such. That should work. So I have that under her butt and she pees in the whole thing before I can figure out what to do with it. Oook.. what else now? A light flannel blanket. So I folded it as best as I could and quickly put the onesie back on and the pants over it to try and hold it in place because I obviously didn't have any safety pins to secure it. Oh, I should have taken a picture. She looked so funny! All bunched up all around her bottom:) I was laughing to myself as I was doing this in the bathroom. Then I put another blanket under her in the carseat and hoped for the best. We'll she was wet and dirty when we got home, but hey it worked! And it makes for a quite funny story if I do say so myself.

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