Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today I was at Babies r us finding a few things for our growing girl. I saw a lady walking around nursing her baby. She had a nursing cover over her, but still I thought it was really cool that she could just walk around like that. I don't think I could do that. First of all, I don't think I'm coordinated enough. Second, Bella is a little too big for carrying her like that. Seeing that made me wish that mothers could breastfeed in public more often and not feel like an outcast. I'm not saying we should just have our breast hanging out for all to see; but it would be nice if there were more areas where we could feel comfortable feeding our child. That's what our breasts were created for anyway!
Why don't public restrooms have chairs? After all, they have changing stations to help out mothers. I have had to sit on the restroom floor to feed Isabella before. I don't seem to think it's as gross as many people do. I do sit on a blanket and I wash my hands afterwards. I just feel more comfortable sitting alone to feed her.
Even odder than breastfeeding is how people don't flinch now seeing a half naked girl on every magazine cover at the grocery store! It just shows how sex obsessed our society is. It's very annoying to me! Almost every TV show and commercial has something in it that hints at sex, if it's not just going on and on about it. Why can't their be any normal family shows on anymore? With shows like the Cosby Show, Gilmore Girls, and (as cheesy as it was) Full House, you could just relax and enjoy watching TV with your family - kids included! I don't even want to think about how much more downhill TV and society in general is going to go by the time that Isabella is a teenager. EEK! Don't get me wrong, I don't want to come across pessimistic about everything. I know that their are "good" kids and parents out there. Sometimes it just gets a little hard to find among the bad news you see on TV. I hope and pray that with God's help that we can raise her and subsequent children in the Lord. That they will know what's good and right.

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