Sunday, March 7, 2010

My new projects

Jacob and I were planning on going to our new small group for Lent tonight. Isabella had other plans. She woke up this morning with a very runny nose. We went to church this morning and went out for lunch. It was lovely. Then little miss Bella did not want to nap in the afternoon, she was screaming! She was tired but the poor thing couldn't get comfy. She usually sucks her thumb and when she does that now, she can't breathe! We were planning on having some friends watch Isabella while we went to our meeting. Since she didn't nap (a disaster in itself) plus we didn't know if the congested nose was from a cold, or from teething- I think she's getting her molars! Maybe the constant drooling of the last two months will finally stop soon! Either way, we just didn't feel right leaving our little one with so many issues. So home we stayed.

I had been wanting to go out to shop for the whole day, but didn't think that we would have time. Yay! Now, I could go! I got my burst of creative energy at Joann's. I was pulling all sorts of fabric and trying to think up all the things I could use it for. I am inspired to find a bunch of projects for my new shop. I actually bought some patterns this time too. I usually just wing it. I am also going to re-cover my stroller. I never was really in love with the pattern. I must admit, I always have a bit of stroller envy when I go to the mall. I got my stroller two summers ago, before Isabella was even born. Wow! That's hard to imagine life before her. Anyways, I got it at a garage sale. I was just happy because it was at least a matching set with a carseat. So, that's my exciting night. I love it when I have productive nights (or days, but that doesn't happen too often with a little one running the show!) I'll let you know how the projects go. Let's hope that I don't lose steam!

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