Thursday, August 20, 2009

Teaching and learning is life long...

Now that it's "back to school" time, I'm starting to feel a little off. I think that this is the first year (at least that I can remember!) that I haven't had a change in my schedule and am getting ready to go back to school as either a student or a teacher. I was starting to get a little sad about that and I was thinking about all the roles that I have had over the years. Sometimes I like change. I feel like I can usually go with the flow. When it comes to how I define myself, that's a little harder. When I meet new people and they ask "what do you do?" I am proud to talk their ear off about little miss Isabella. But sometimes I wish I could talk about some of my jobs outside the home. I have always wanted to be a teacher. When I was little I wanted to be other random things like Miss America, a Rockette (I didn't even dance! My grandma would just always say that I had nice legs! he he!), and this is a little odd, but when I was in Kindergarten, I wanted to be a factory worker. Teacher (and mommy) was always on the top of the list.

So I went to college and got my degree, took a while to finally land a job and then the madness ensued! This was a great learning experience. Let's say that! There were definately some great kids, parents and other teachers that I worked with. There were also some terrors! I think I like the ideals of teaching, what it would be like in a perfect world. A classroom where all the students stayed in their seats and did what you asked them to do. Now I know that's not real life. I think that having that type of teaching experience has given me a little more realistic view about some of the tough things that parents and teachers have to deal with and has broadened my horizons.

So anyways, back to "role that we play". We can each have so many different things that we are- friend, sister, wife, mother, daughter...all at the same time! When I was feeling bad about not being able to put "teacher" on that list anymore, Jacob pointed out that I will always be a teacher because I am now a mother. I see that more everyday with the things that Isabella is up to. I also am volunteering at church to help teach kindergarten sunday school every couple months or so. It's a new chapter in my life. I'm trying to take advantage of the time that I have to myself (rare) and the time that I have with Isabella. I'm now able to do some of the things that I wanted to do before, but was too busy with school (again either in it or teaching it). I can invest time in my hobbies like sewing and scrapbooking. I can volunteer and take Bible studies at church. I'm also looking into the possibility of nannying part time for a few hours each day, if (of course) I can bring you know who!...I'm trying to leave it up to God what I fill my days with. I'm also trying to be positive and thankful for this time too. (most of the time it works!)

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