Monday, February 8, 2010

The Weekend Update

This past weekend, I was able to have some time to scrapbook . It was relaxing to be able to have some "me time." My stuff is actually still sitting out on the kitchen table. I am always torn when this happens. I feel like if I put it away I will not make time and forget to finish the pages that I started. But I also feel like I have a mess in the mean time and I need to find time to finish it. Seeing it out is somehow suppose to inspire me to finish. I also found a new photo site online. I made a digital photo scrapbook as well. Hopefully it will turn out. Then I will have found myself a little bargain place! Every time I look through old pictures I am amazed with how little a newborn is and subsequently how big Bella is now! It appears that she is tall for her age. She is almost as tall as her boy friends in playgroup who are almost two.
I'm getting the itch for another baby! It seems to be "going around now"- the second wave of pregnant friends. When I found out that I was pregnant with Isabella, it was such a blessing to go through it with other friends. I was at the end of the "baby wave" but it was still encouraging to know that I wasn't alone in the feelings/pains/questions I was experiencing. Now it's nice to be able to have them growing up and play together.

Jacob and I had some serious discussions about seminary and finances over the weekend as well. I am nervous and really trying to trust God. He is the one that is prompting us to change our life for His mission. I like to have things planned out, but right now I have to just know that God has it planned better than we could ever do it. Lots of things are in the air though..questions about what type of jobs we will get, when we'll work, new friends, places to go (places for me to get lost trying to find!), housing, finding a new church, juggling 2 jobs and Bella (and maybe another baby soon?!) It's a lot to think about... It's a lot to PRAY about!

On a separate note: My previous post I mentioned adoption. Well, last week I got my bubble burst a little. Aparently, there are some really strict rules about adopting Haitian children.; like you need to be married for 10 years and have no other children! Well, we're out for both! I should have known that it couldn't be so simple. I think in a naive way. There are lots of kids who don't have parents and need love, attention and support. We could be that for some child somewhere. Oh, well.. God willing, maybe we'll adopt one day.

That's all the random thoughts for now! How was your weekend? Was is relaxing like mine was or stressful and busy? Leave a comment! I'm trying to get more "interactive" and see who actually reads my little blog as well as get to know your thought on things as well.

1 comment:

  1. i dont think my comments ever work on here! buuut-- you already know about me, because i talked to you on the phone :) the end- can't wait to see you!!!
