Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy to be home

Home sweet home. So we returned from our week long family vacation from Florida on late Friday night. What is it about home that is so nice? I was with my family on the trip, whom I usually am pining for when I'm home alone in Ohio. It's nice to just have space to be 'me' I guess. We had a king sized bed in our room, but for some reason our big bed with the flannel sheets just felt so right! It also helped that little miss fuss could sleep in her own room again- yay!

Jacob and I had a nice talk last night scattering through all sorts of topics. That's how my brain works when I'm lying awake in bed! Anyways, the tragedy in Haiti has been very heavy on Jacob's heart. So we started to talk about it more. I don't know what was wrong with me, I heard that there was an earthquake while on vacation- but something didn't click with myself to register how big, no- colossal- a disaster this really is. Haiti already started out as a very poor nation, now to have a 7.0 earthquake destroy the land is unimaginable for me to think of. I am SO sheltered and immensely blessed with my quiet, easy life in America. It's hard for me to put myself in the shoes of others in so much pain sometimes. We looked at some pictures from Haiti. I tried really hard to look at them and really think and feel what these people might be feeling. For some reason, this can be kinda of hard for me to do. I can understand, but not truly feel. Something about being a mother, seems to be stirring up more emotion in myself- especially when I see little kids and babies in need. There was this orphanage-all operating outside, and there were 8 toddlers standing in one crib!! There were people sitting and lying all around the street because they all had nowhere to go. Everything is gone!

After being on vacation I am usually happy to come home. Seeing the destruction of the homes in Haiti makes me even more thankful. Please pray and give what you can for Haiti.

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