Well here's the rest of our year; in December every weekend was booked with something, again! Our weeks fly
by with different church activities and just hanging out as a family for
the little bit of time we get on week nights. We tried to do something
special on Sundays with Advent.

We would light the candle and read some
scripture. Then we would do a family activity like watching a nativity
movie or craft. We had their combined birthday party on Dec 15. It was
also Isabella's first ballet recital! I went to Pittsburgh without Jacob and just took the girls for a week to see my parents and help them out a little. My dad was having some surgery the week before Christmas. It was nice to be "home" and help while I could. The girls' always love time with Mimi and PopPop too! Christmas day was nice. Quiet
morning, actually we woke up first and just stared at each other for a
few minutes! I was antsy to get them up, but I learned my lesson from
last year and let them just wake up happily on their own. We purposely
did not get them very many things, the things we got were mostly
educational type things that we can use at school time. I figure
everyone else will get them toys! Jacob made his grandma's famous sweet rolls and egg casserole. Yum! That is becoming our new tradition for
us now. The girls played with their new things for the late morning and
early afternoon. We went to Jacob's sister's house to see some family
and have dinner together. Dinner was great, all the little cousins
played together nicely and we had fun opening more gifts. So all in all-
a nice day. Then reality hit, and poor Jacob had to go to work the next
day. We had a little snow storm as well. Since he is one of the
managers, he had to stay all day. Thankfully, he returned home to us
safe and sound. The girls and I shoveled the snow in the drive way to
make it a little easier for him. This was Olivia's first big snowfall. I
got them both all bundled up and they looked like cute little Eskimos!
Then we finally get out there and she just stands in the garage, unsure
of the whole outdoor thing! We got a second batch of snow that Saturday. I was very thankful for my husband taking the girls out in the snow. He pulled Bella around on the sled in the back yard.
The girls waiting for the breakfast in their matching pjs! |
One of Bella's favorite gifts: princess lip glosses |

New Year's was fun just hanging out with my sister and brother in law. I'm ready for a new year. 2012 was a pretty good year, but there is always something special about starting something new. New possibilities, a chance to try and change a few things. I started a few days early on this. I am waking up earlier now to have some devotional, quiet time with God. Preferably before the girls wake up, but sometimes they still beat me to it! I have organized different things around the house and checked quite a few things that have been on my list for a while finally off! I made up a new routine and chore list for Isabella. So far she likes it. She's one of "those" kinds of kids that gets a kick out of checking things off a list and knowing her boundaries.. (like mother, like daughter) I'm hoping for a little more organized household this year. I want to stick with my Bible reading plan and get some good head way made in our school time with Isabella.
Head band holder: made from a oatmeal can, scrapbook paper and mod podge! |
Isabella's new routine and chore chart: laminated and ready for some checking off!;) |
Some organizing the free and cheap way: I made a little clothes line to hang up the mittens and hats to try and keep a little clutter down. |
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