Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Here we go again!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Changing my attitude
I have good news- my sister, Amy and her husband, Bob are moving nearby! They were here for the past 2 days house hunting. They found one that they liked and put an offer on it. So now it's time to wait. It will be so nice having her close. I have wanted to be close to my family since I moved away to college (almost 10 years now!) Now it is actually happening and we are moving in August! Jacob has to remind me that this is a blessing, because either way we are still closer than we were before. We will still be close when we move- about 3 hours, but not as great as 45 min!
I think God must be working on me. I have wanted to have a house since we have been married (2 1/2 years). Now more and more of my friends are getting houses lately. I am very happy for each and every one of them. A part of my still wishes it was my turn. But I think this experience is a good growing lesson for me. We are talking about love for this week in my Bible study. This is a good test to see how loving I can be. Can I love and be excited for others happy moments without letting my jealousy overcome me?
The Bible study that I have been doing is called "Lord, change my attitude." It has been life changing. It addresses some attitudes that we all have at one time or another and to very degrees. These attitudes- complaining, covetness, critical, doubting and rebellious ways are replaced with thankful, content, loving, faithful, submitting hearts. These wrong attitudes are actually seen as sins by God. He has made us wonderfully and given us so many different gifts. We each need to take time to think about what we DO have and be thankful for it. This has been my new way of thinking. Well, at least what I'm striving for!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Feeling blah..
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Counting my blessings
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Random thoughts
Monday, August 24, 2009
I'm bored!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Teaching and learning is life long...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Don't worry, Be happy (at least that's what I'm trying to do)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
the frugal life is a good life
Monday, August 3, 2009
Wedding fun
Friday, July 24, 2009
this week..
My sister is getting married next weekend. I remember this week for me 2 years or so ago. Finalizing everything. Having the realization that this long awaited day is finally near. All the fairy tale dreams you had of a little girl are coming true. You will be a wife now, a true grown up! (even to this day, it still catches me off guard sometimes that I'm a "Mrs."!) You will be with this man for the rest of your life! The time goes by so fast. Enjoy Amy and Bob! I love you!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
An Isabella Update
I was looking at trying to reorder some of the very cute pictures that we got at JcPenney's. Now I wish I had gotten two different additional pictures...They are $15 a sheet! I was all proud of myself because I had a coupon when I got the pictures done and it was $40 total. It's a little overwhelming to order right after the photo shoot. Every picture looked great! But I was trying to stay in some sort of a budget. The lady had said to get them now while I had the coupon price.. Grr!! I have to tell myself that in a couple of months she'll look different again and I'll get more pictures! That's some sort of a consolation..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Catching up
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
God is moving in me
Saturday, June 13, 2009
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Vacation |
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Thursday, June 4, 2009
To seminary we go?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Random thoughts
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Un-devotional
Friday, May 15, 2009
the long trip
So anyways, Bella was amazing in the car (both ways!) She just slept the whole 7 hrs. Can I tell you how much I love this little girl?! More everyday, actually! I figured I just had to get there and then I wouldn't be short of hands to help hold this little love bug. Boy, was I right!
Graduation festivities all went well. I'm glad I could be there. I also had my first mother's day there. I got a box of Cheerios (I love cereal, so somehow I always end up with a box for a gift!) a Berenstain Bear book, sippy cups ( ooh tupperware!), for some reason I feel like I'm leaving out one more thing- blame it on baby brain. On Monday I made my way back to good ol Ohio. I stopped at the first rest area and realized that I forgot to pack some extra diapers in the diaper bag before leaving my mom and dad's. Thankfully she was only a little wet then. So I just left it on. Then I had about 2 hrs left in the trip and I was getting very sleepy. I decided to stop and feed Isabella. At this point the diaper situation was a little worse. So I thought to my crafty self what can I use to make a diaper?! Here's the play by play of what I was thinking/doing. I had some cloth diapers that I use for spit and such. That should work. So I have that under her butt and she pees in the whole thing before I can figure out what to do with it. Oook.. what else now? A light flannel blanket. So I folded it as best as I could and quickly put the onesie back on and the pants over it to try and hold it in place because I obviously didn't have any safety pins to secure it. Oh, I should have taken a picture. She looked so funny! All bunched up all around her bottom:) I was laughing to myself as I was doing this in the bathroom. Then I put another blanket under her in the carseat and hoped for the best. We'll she was wet and dirty when we got home, but hey it worked! And it makes for a quite funny story if I do say so myself.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Birthdays for the fam
Jacob is now 27 as of Friday. I wanted to post something on the 1st, but time got away. Jacob is such a great husband and has helped me in my growing into the godly woman that I try to be. He is patient with Isabella and loves her so much. I love his inventive, silly songs that he makes up for her. He is also very diligent in his Biblical studies. All in all, I just wanted to take this time to say how blessed I am to have him for my husband and a great father to Bella and I love him more every day:) Happy birthday, honey! I'm excited to see what God does with us this year!
What's your idol?
This weekend at church, we had a different speaker than our regular pastor. His name was Efrem Smith. I really liked him. The topic was bridging our suburban lives/church with the city. He said this awesome thing, which I'm going to share with you. "God has blessed you more than you realize. He has blessed you to the point of overflowing so that we can be a blessing to others." Isn't that the coolest?! So with this blessing, we are to go out and use the talents and skills He has given us to help others. Instead of these talents taking time and importance over God, use it for Him! These things won't be an idol but a way to show glory. This can be in a myriad of ways. If your heart is pulled toward the mission field, then go! "Missions" doesn't always have to be across the world either- it can be just across town! If your heart is in music, research, children or the arts-use that talent for God. Sometimes you might not feel like every calling is what you would want. You have to listen to God and where and what He wants you to do. You have to be ready to let go of things that are in your safety zone (possibly those idols) to follow Him. Now just because I have written about this, doesn't mean that I have this all under control! I'm still growing, too!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Our amazing bodies
Ah! It feels good to be out of those tight jeans and into my jammies! Two weeks ago, I was pretty excited that I could fit back into those jeans. They were the last hold out of the pre pregnancy clothes that didn’t fit. Now they fit! Yay! But still a little tight…but on! Today I was watching Oprah, yes I know.. Oprah. Jacob doesn’t like that I watch it, but I don’t think it’s so bad. When she has weird guests or shows that conflict with my beliefs I don’t watch. Anyways, Kirstie Alley was on and she gained back all the weight that publicly lost. Weight is a difficult thing. I feel like most people are never happy with what they weigh. The media definitely doesn’t help. It’s either they are anorexic or too chubby. This of course is still when these celebrities are still underweight and would still look pretty darn skinny if they were walking around any normal town.
I have tried to make fitness a way of life for me. It’s not like I’m a gym rat by any stretch of the imagination. But I do feel better after I have a good work out. I usually try to get 30-45 min. in most days. Thankfully, Bella just likes to watch meJ I try to think about all the things that my body can do to make me feel better when I’m down about my body. Especially going through pregnancy, I feel like my body is amazing. God made our bodies amazing! I really didn’t have to do too much and inside was this perfect little being. Even 4 months later, it’s still amazing to me.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday's Sermon
-Building family like relationships within the church
I have seen this work with our small groups. I am so blessed to feel like I belong here. It can be harder to feel connected in a large church. Through being involved in Bible study with this great group of couples I feel connected. I don't have my family close by, so it's nice to know that I can call on someone in the group to help.
-Promote the sanctity of marriage
Our pastor brought up this point, which I really liked so I'll share it. He was pointing out that in the recent Miss USA pageant, Miss CA was scrutinized for having the belief that marriage should be between a man and woman. Perez Hilton was the one who asked the question and was also a judge. He gave her a 0 and consequently she lost the title of Miss USA that she would have won. She was the "wierd one" for having a tradition, Biblical view on marriage! I'm glad that she stuck up for herself and her beliefs ( especially since she was representing CA, where it was legal for gay marriages. I think that was over turned now, though...)
Also with the sanctity of marriage comes keeping the marriage bed pure. This means that you shouldn't be living or sleeping with your current boyfriend or fiancee or whatever. I have to admit that I had some past problems with this one. I fell into the worldly trap, that this was okay. But it's not! Until you have a ring on your finger and you can call that guy your "husband", that's when it is okay to do those things. It's one of my regrets looking back on things now. But it's also one of the ways that I know that I have become a new creation. Now, I can see that I have changed in my thinking.
-Stay free from materialism
This is another area that I stumble with. I have a weakness when it comes to materials and how things look to other people. Being a mother, some of that is thankfully going away. It's hard to care what others think of you when your baby is screaming and you have puke on your shoulder! I just care about what Isabella is thinking at that moment. I want to calm her down. Also, not going shopping is a great way to "stay free from materialism"! When you are trapped at home, this works. I have always been a bargain hunter, so it's not about having the nicest, newest things for me. I do like to have new things, but only if I got it for a great bargain!
American retailers play into our need for having the newest thing that will finally make life easier and better. The problem with this is it will never be achieved by having more stuff! You can see this fact with so many different people. The rich and famous have a lot of money and things and still feel so unhappy and lonely that they are driven to the party and drinking/drugs lifestyle. We feel a hole within ourselves and think that we can fill it with stuff; when it needs to be filled with Jesus!
-Learn from grace filled leaders
I think this one speaks for itself. I don't have anything to add to this one.
-Meet Jesus "outside"
This means we need to see Jesus in the inner city areas, in the homeless shelters and in the third world countries. When Jesus walked this earth, he met with people on the outside of society. The outcasts. I get an uneasy feeling when I am around the city. I am used to the bubble that is my life-the suburban lifestyle, where I feel safe. I am working on this. Actually, Jesus is working on this for me! I don't know if I could live downtown or something but I do want to at least change my way of thinking about so many people. I need to open up my heart more...
-Praise God continually
I'm not a great singer, musican or artist but whatever talents you have you can praise God though it. Even if it's cleaning and cooking! I always think singing is still a great way to praise God even if I don't sound good. I'm not singing for me or you, I'm singing for God. It all sounds good to Him:) plus it usually puts you in a good mood!
-Give of yourself
Lastly, giving of your most valuable resource, your time. We can volunteer in so many ways. We can give money to missions and our churches. Giving is a way of worship. It shows that you trust God for your security, whether it's finanical or safe surroundings. What we spend our money on shows what our priorities are.
Ok, that's it! I hope that some of these points or some little tidbit helped you see how you can worship more or think about it in a new way. Praise God! He is good:)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Having a "God moment"
It is a scary statistic to hear that half the marriages will end in divorce. I wish that more couples realized the monumental covenant that marriage truly is. Yes, it a joy, but it can be tough too. Thankfully I have parents that have been a wonderful role model to me. They have been married now for 30 years. Jacob and I fully understand the commitment to this covenant. We have been blessed with so many happy times so far. But I am not naive enough to think that we will never fight. I hope to be a role model to Isabella, future children and those all around us.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Random thoughts
When I'm at home I tend to daydream. Lately, I have been looking and dreaming about houses. I have to tell myself that there is no "magic bullet". You have to be happy where you are and with what you have. I know that I have many blessings. But I get caught up the the material world. That is one of my flaws and I try to rein it in when I notice that I am getting too materialistic. Sometimes Jacob and I are so similar, other times (most of the time) we are quite different. I think that God knew that and that's why we are together. He can be rational and tell me to wait. He will tell me when I'm being crazy. I know that God will lead us to the right house at the right time. Honestly, the apt. that we live in right now isn't that bad. I am feeling a little crowded and want a change of scenery! But who doesn't? I have to confess that there is one townhouse that I can't get out of mind, so I think I'll look at that one. It looks too good to be true. That will be it, though! Then I should probably just stay away from craigslist for a while. So, we'll see...Just be patient, right?!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Family times
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Before I was a mom
Before I was a Mom…
I never learned the words to a lullaby. I never thought about immunizations. I had never been puked on, pooped on, drooled on, chewed on or peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple little grin. I never sat up for hours watching a baby sleep. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn’t stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a mom. Before I was a mom..I didn’t know the feeling of having my heart outside of my body.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Teaching is a weird profession. Anybody can come in and criticize you and your classroom. At most other jobs, "outsiders" don't come in and tell you how to do your job. When I went to college, I had a completely different idea about how teaching would be. I think it's because of the great elementary school memories I have. I have always wanted to be a teacher. I like to be around children and especially helping anyone. When I started teaching last year, it was the hardest year. I was learning everyday way more than I ever did in college. If and when I ever go back to teaching, I would like to be at a small, Christian school. Not that those schools are perfect either, but I feel like it's a start in the right direction.