Here's some better pictures of our "new and improved" living room
that we finished about 2 weeks ago. Boy one project sure leads to
another! We were pretty happy that we could get all this done in a week.
So then we tackled the yard and the bathrooms. I went to Habitat for
Humanity Re-Store and found all the cabinet doors for $5 each! Super
excited! Since they were all varying shades of wood, I decided to paint
them all white. It is
definitely NOT perfect by any stretch of
the imagination. ( But they look pretty good in these far away pics!) They are all different cabinets in each bathroom. (Hey
where else am I going to find only cabinet doors and for five bucks?!)
But it is done and I am happy that I finally have doors to cover my junk
in the bathrooms after 2 years of having a little fabric curtain over
it. It feels so much more finished now.
Downstairs- Before |
After |
Here's the kid's/ hall bathroom. I'm toying with the idea of redecorating. I think the 'Very Hungry Caterpillar' theme is so cute. I saw that Pottery Barn has a shower curtain with it on it- for $50! No, thank you! I am thinking up some creative and way cheaper idea! For now, I'm just happy to have these darn doors on!
Our master bath | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Not trying to brag, just so
excited to get all these things crossed off our 'to-do' list. We planted
our garden. I have never done this before. I'm a little nervous, and
excited to see what happens. It's one of the things I was excited about
trying when I had land/ a house of our own. Last weekend, we had a
friend come and till a plot for us. We planted corn ( not really having
high hopes for that, my husband really wanted that!), green beans,
tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and squash. We have a apple tree in our
backyard. If all goes well, we'll have quite the harvest! Pretty good
for a little suburban girl with a brown thumb! We also extended our
flower bed in the front and put mulch around it. I'm waiting on some
flowers I ordered..

All in- and exhausted!
Ok, So enough about our house! Today is Mother's Day. Isabella woke me up this morning to "Happy Mommy day! We have a surprise for you downstairs..." I could smell potatoes and eggs and see that Jacob let me sleep in an extra hour and I was pretty happy. We had a nice breakfast and I got 2 cards- My hubby wrote me a poem! The types of poetry I can write usually starts out with "roses are red..." So needless to say I was pretty impressed! Yesterday we went to the cutest thing at our church- Mommy and Me Princess Tea. Bella was so excited to dress up like a pretty princess. I even let her wear sparkly lip gloss and eye shadow. We bought a crown ( at the dollar store) and every thing. They had pink everywhere. We heard about how we are all princesses for real- God's princesses ( daughters of a King) and how we need to act in a way that is pleasing to him. So we don't want to just be pretty on the outside, we need to be "pretty" on the inside even more.

To top off our wonderful homemade dinner ( Jacob made Salmon cakes, loaded baked potatoes and green beans- yum!) we had PB chocolate ice cream. One of my favs:) Here I am turning into my mother more and more everyday! I can't remember very many rules we had growing up; but one of them was
always put the ice cream in the Tupperware container! I can't say that turning into my mom is a bad thing though. I really look up to her. I am so glad that I am a mom now so I understand her so much more. I am so much more thankful for everything my Mom and Dad did for all of us kids. So, Marmie- if you're reading this- I love you! Happy Mother's Day! If not, Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Mommies out there that I am privileged to call my friends. I learn so much from each of you:)